Wednesday, 18 December 2013

10 Days at the Mission Training Center (MTC), Provo, UT

We packed a few items that we would need at the MTC and left the rest at Bill and JR’s home; then on Monday, 30 September 2013, Bill and JR drove us to the MTC in Provo, UT, where we would spend the next 10 days.

Picture in front of MTC. 
We're by the front doors of the Wilford Woodruff Building and the MTC. 

Picture of us in front of the stone. (Photos #20-21)

Ron and his companion were the "alert missionaries" that helped
in the preserving this cornerstone of a building in Sterling, Scotland 50 years ago.
The inscription states,

 “What er thou art, act well thy part.”

This helped President McKay when he served his mission in Scotland; and years later, it helped Ron when he was a young missionary 50 years ago and served his mission in Sterling Scotland.

We entered the MTC on Monday, 30 September 2013 and will spend the next ten days here.

It was a wonderful experience with so much kindness, love, instruction and uplifting devotionals.

Here is a website that tells a little bit about what happens at the MTC.

While reading and studying one day, I found this talk and thought it was interesting, so I’m sharing it with you. It’s a talk by Derek A. Cuhbert.
 (This is a link to a talk that was given in 1978 by a missionary, Derek A. Cuthbert. The title of his talk is “What Would the Savior Have Me Do?

Here are some photos of our District. We had the best District. They were spiritual but also knew how to have fun.

 Sis. Brown (center) was our morning instructor.

This is our district again with our two instructors for the afternoon classes.
Brothers Pearson and Keepman.

They assigned someone to be the District Leader, and Elder Browning (you may remember him as Ron) was assigned to be the District Leader.

Elder Browning met a relative of his at the MTC. Her name is Carol, and she’s from the Bodily line. She and her husband will be serving mission number five. (Photo #24) 

Elder & Sister Browning with Sister & Elder Padulla 

This is a photo from our room at the MTC. 
The sun was just coming up and reflecting off the mountain with freshly fallen snow on it.
Photo taken from our room. This is the chapel that we met in for all of our classes. 
Here are some photos of our room.

Here we are in front of the world map. Scotland/Ireland are way up there… I’m on my toes! 

We had some time, so we and two other couples spent some time at the Provo Temple and did some temple work. It was a very special evening. I’m grateful we had some time to do this. (Photos #31-32)

In the background is the fountain and beyond that is the MTC.

On the Wednesday, six hundred new missionaries arrived at the MTC - Parents dropped them off and the host missionaries picked them up to escort them to their MTC living quarters. 
Rows of cars dropping their missionaries off.

The "Host" missionary is there to greet the new missionary and to take them to their new home away from home.
The whole process was very well organized.

For the missionaries assigned to English speaking missions, they stay at the MTC a few weeks; and the foreign speaking missionaries stay longer, so they can learn the foreign language. 

During the weekend of our MTC stay, we were there during General Conference. We listened to all the broadcasts. It was a wonderful experience being taught by modern-day prophets and apostles. All the talks were excellent.

Here’s the link in case you want to read and/or listen to them.

On the weekend prior to General Conference, the General Relief Society Meeting was held, and some of the sister missionaries at the MTC were bused to the conference center and sang at the meeting. That meeting was rebroadcasted for us at the MTC during the same time the Priesthood Meeting was taking place. Elder Browning attended the Priesthood Meeting, and I attended the General Relief Society rebroadcast meeting.

During the last three days at the MTC, we received training from the Seminary Institute Department of the Church.

Out of the 128 Senior Missionaries that were at the MTC with us, only a few couples were assigned to work with the Young Single Adults (see group photo below).

We’re on the right hand side. 

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